Looking for something outdoors, interesting and fun to do this beautifully warm, sunny weekend?

Well, pack up your rain boots and head to Hunt Valley to the Oregon Ridge Nature Center where a Naturalist will take you around and show you which “critters” laid which eggs around Oregon Ridge Park!

Amphibians have laid their eggs by the masses in the ponds, and this is your chance to wade in the water and closely inspect these eggs.

The tour is from 2-4 pm both Saturday and Sunday, March 20 & 21.

So WELCOME SPRING, and COME ON OVER to Cockeysville!

Oregon Ridge Nature Center is located in Oregon Ridge Park at 13555 Beaver Dam Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030. The Nature Center is open Tuesday through Sunday 9-5, and the park is open daily from dawn to dusk, plus additional hours for special events.