
Average Salary Needed to Buy a Home in Baltimore Metro Area 2019

March 11th, 2019

The average salary needed to buy a home in the Baltimore metro area comes from HSH.com, which is a financial publishing website. The Baltimore metro area includes places like Towson, and the site states the counties included are Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Howard, Queen Anne's, Carroll, Harford Counties, which really changes the "affordability" factor. The Baltimore [...]

Salary Needed to Buy Median Priced Home in Baltimore

May 22nd, 2014

What salary is needed to buy a median priced home in Baltimore? According to HSH.com, which is a website about mortgages, it would take a salary of $53,078.51 to buy a home at the median home price for Baltimore. Now, this doesn't mean you have to make that much in order to buy a house in Baltimore. [...]

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