Selling a home in Timonium

Things Your Potential Home Stager Wishes You Knew

February 24th, 2016

Things Your Potential Home Stager Wishes You Knew comes from an article on with a similar title. I added the word "potential" in there, because staging is not something that everyone is comfortable paying for, but the tips are important, nonetheless. Staging can be very helpful in the sale of your Timonium home. Staging [...]

Ten Updates to Help Sell Your Home

March 21st, 2014

Ten updates to help sell your home. This list comes from a Houzz article entitled, "10 Low-Cost Tweaks to Help Your Home Sell." Though I am not sure I agree that all of them are "low-cost," many are good ideas for a person getting ready to sell a Timonium home to consider. 1) Clean the [...]

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