Parkville home sale statistics for April 2012 are in, and they are down very slightly from the same period last year.

$8,814,285 changed hands this year versus $9,039,247 in April 2011. Forty-nine homes sold, with an average price of $179,883, only down 1/2 percent from April 2011. Most numbers were about even from last year, which tells me that the Parkville market may be leveling out, which is a good sign for stabilization and recovery.

There were 273 homes for sale in Parkville this April, while last April there had been 384. That is a good number to see drop!

Sixty-eight homes went under contract, and there were a total of 125 pending homes last month.

Parkville home sales for March 2012 had been up slightly with prices down a bit, so these numbers seem to continue that trend.

Here is a link to the detailed report on Parkville Home Sales Statistics April 2012.

For more details about a specific Parkville house value, please contact me.