Saturday, October 30, 2010 is the 11th Annual Great Halloween Lantern Parade and Festival in Patterson Park to celebrate Halloween.
This year’s parade theme is taking it into the Garden, so expect to see many garden-themed paper lanterns built throughout the past few weeks by children, neighbors, and artists alike in workshops promoting the event.
On Saturday, beginning at 3 pm, there will be another lantern-making workshop, hayrides, live music by the Love Peace Project, Old Man Brown, and Balti Mare, along with food and drinks to enjoy.
7 pm is the line up, and the parade begins at 7:30 pm.
Last year, inclement weather made the 2009 Lantern Parade move to Sunday. Rain date this year is on Halloween!
Thanks to the Creative Alliance and Southeast Community Development Corporation for putting this neat event on each year. For more details on the festival parade, please visit their website.
Come to Downtown Baltimore to experience this unique, hands-on event. Make a lantern and you too can be in the parade!
Photo courtesy of elh70/Erica via Flickr CC
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