2024 home sales in the US were the lowest since 1995, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors on January 24, 2025.
4.06 million existing homes sold in the US in 2024.
Though the number of homes sold was very low, the median prices rose, according to an article on NPR. The median home price in 2024 was $407,500, which is a record high.
According to National Association of REALTORS® data, existing-home sales rose in December. Year over year, existing home sales rose 9.3% over December 2023. All four US regions also had price increases in December 2024. For NAR’s data, they consider Maryland to be a part of the south. Existing home sales for December 2024 in the South were up 9.0% from December 2023.
Wondering what this means for your Baltimore house value? Each real estate market area is different. Real estate is very, very local. Even within the Baltimore real estate market, a few streets or a few neighborhoods can have very different market data.
For more on your Towson house value, please contact me. I would love to help you navigate this changing Baltimore real estate market.
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