Baltimore County 4th of July Fireworks will be held July 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th this year.
The current schedule, according to the Maryland State Police’s website is:
Saturday, July 1
Baltimore Country Club
Location: Timonium, MD
Rain Date: July 3
Fullerton Park – Fullerton
Location: 4400 Fullerton Avenue, Nottingham, MD 21236
Rain date: July 2
Parkton – Big Truck Farm Brewery
Location: 19919 Cameron Mill Rd, Parkton, MD 21120
Rain date: July 8
TICKETS: Big Truck Farm Brewery has tickets for sale for the day’s events and fireworks show.
The Suburban Club
Location: 7600 Park Heights Avenue, Pikesville 21208
Rain date: 7/9
Woodholme Country Club
Location: 300 Woodholme Avenue, Pikesville 21208
Rain date: July 2
Sunday, July 2
Hereford Field (next to Hereford High School)
Location: Field opposite 17220 York Road, Parkton 21120
Rain Date: July 3
Monday, July 3
Kingsville VFC
Location: Mount Vista Park
Rain date: July 8
Oregon Ridge Park
Location: 13401 Beaver Dam Road, Cockeysville 21030
Rain date: No Rain Date
Tuesday, July 4
Catonsville High School
Location: 421 Bloomsbury Avenue, Catonsville 21228
Rain date: July 9
Dundalk – Grange Elementary School
Location: 2000 Church Road, Dundalk 21222
Rain date: July 5
Loch Raven Technical Academy
Location: 8101 LaSalle Road, Towson 21286
Rain date: July 5
The Maryland Fire Marshall may add more if they are requested and approved.
Look for the 2023 Baltimore County 4th of July Parades as well. They are not necessarily on the same days as the fireworks!
There are multiple Baltimore 4th of July 2023 events too!
Celebrate our Independence right here in Baltimore County!
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