Baltimore was named a top-ten city people want to move to in a poll by Home Bay and featured in a New York Times article.
When asked, “If money were no object, which five cities would you prefer to move to?” Baltimore ranked ninth in the top 10.
The poll by Home Bay covered a large number of topics. A few were disheartening, like that 75% of those polled had regrets about their move in 2022. Of that 75%, 15% did not like their new home after they moved in, 20% wished they had chosen a bigger home, and 20% missed their original home.
24% of those surveyed moved to improve their quality of life, and 23% said they moved for a lower cost of living/lower home prices.
Baltimore has quite a bit to offer in many aspects of these poll questions.
Baltimore real estate has a very wide variety of homes from small condos to very large estate homes in the suburbs to Baltimore County farms and farmettes in Baltimore and Harford Counties.
Affordability may depend on what area of Greater Baltimore real estate you choose, but contacting a local Realtor (like me!) can help you determine the best fit for your needs.
If you are considering buying a home in Baltimore, please contact me. I would love to help!
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