Baltimore real estate market trends are collected and documented by our MLS, Bright MLS. Here is the update for the week ending December 10, 2023.
Bright MLS currently covers seven states, so there is data for a number of areas.
Starting on page 18 of the Bright MLS real estate report 12/10/2023, the Baltimore real estate data shows the following:
In the Baltimore real estate market, new listings dropped. They fell from last week, falling below 2020-2022 numbers and remaining below 2019 numbers. New listings were down 5% from the same time last year and down 15.6% from this time last week.
New pending sales from 12/4-10 rose last week, rising above 2022 numbers, but remaining below 2019-2021 numbers. New pending sales were up 10.5% from this time in 2022.
The median number of days for a home to receive an acceptable contract came in at 28 days.
The weekly median list price dropped, down 3.4% from last week. It remained above 2019-2022 numbers.
I appreciate this data from Bright MLS and look forward to seeing the next report so I can share with you once received.
End of month past reports from 2023:
Baltimore real estate market trends from 11/26/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 10/29/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 09/24/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 08/27/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 07/30/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 06/25/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 05/28/2023.
Baltimore real estate market trends from 04/30/2023.
Maryland real estate market trends from 03/26/2023.
Maryland real estate market trends from 02/26/2023.
Maryland real estate market trends from 01/29/2023.
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