Can you time buying appliances to save money?
According to an article on HouseLogic, yes!
New home appliance models come out in September, October & January, meaning that last year’s models may very well be on sale during these months. The article says that the exception to this is refrigerators, whose new models come out in the spring.
The last day of the month is generally a good time, because stores usually need or want to meet quotas, so they may be willing to negotiate on price.
Apparently Thursdays are a good time to shop, because there aren’t as many buyers in stores on that day.
Holidays — yes, we see those commercials and get those emails — and the prices are often good!
Houselogic also recommends buying gas grills and air conditioners during Fall and Winter, because retailers don’t sell many of them during these months. (I will note, though, that they don’t always HAVE them during these times, though, either! I tried to buy a box fan in early February a few years ago, and was out of luck!)
There are other ideas and tips in the article. Thank you, Houselogic for the article!
Do you have any tips for getting deals on appliances?
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