The Charles Street construction project is about to cause more confusion and frustration beginning April 4, 2010.
Currently there are two avenues to get onto 695 West and 83 North. One is the ramp from Charles Street going north, the other is from the circle at Bellona Ave extended.
Beginning April 4, the ramp from Bellona Avenue extended will be closed long term.
The street will be open for the businesses located along there, including some medical offices, a real estate office, and the Greater Baltimore Board of REALTORS ®. Leaving those buildings to access 695 West and 83 North, motorists will have to head back to Charles Street South, go around the circle, to get to Seminary Avenue and then York Road, or they will head South on Charles St, turn right at Bellona, and head to Falls Rd to go West.
These are big changes for those familiar with the interchange, and a long way around for those leaving those office buildings.
Motorists heading north on Charles will still be able to access 695W and 83N from the right lane entrance ramp.
For those motorists on 695 West wanting to access 83 North must remain to the right, as according to the State Highway Administration website:
Along I-695, SHA also will shift the two lanes on the ramp from westbound I-695 to northbound I-83 to the far right side of the bridge so crews may work in the center section of the bridge.
The closure is expected to last about six months.
[…] routed coming north into the right lane to enter the Beltway, and those traveling south have used alternate routes to access I-695W since that entrance closed in early […]