Defenders’ Day / Star Spangled Banner Weekend at Fort McHenry 2019 is September 13-15.
The event starts on Friday, September 13, with a parade through Locust Point at 7pm.
On Saturday and Sunday, Fort McHenry will seem like a true open fort, with drills, cooking demonstrations, dress parade, cannon firing, and raising of the large Flag.
Saturday night is the Main Event, with performances by The United States Army Band, United States Army Drill Team, and the Fort McHenry Guard, and the highlight — a “bombardment” with pyrotechnic “bombs” fired over Fort McHenry, and cannons of the Presidential Salute Battery reply from shore, followed by a fireworks display!
Here is more information from the National Parks website.
It sounds like an amazing event to commemorate the Star Spangled Banner and Baltimore as well as Fort McHenry.
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