Five inexpensive ideas to sell your home more quickly comes from a post about speedy home sales.
The list is on the Real Estate Book website. Here is my take on those items.
1) Paint certain rooms. A paint job throughout is recommended, but if you can’t paint throughout, pick a few rooms that stick out the most. Kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms — especially if they are painted bright or unusual colors.
2) Update the outside of the house. The front of the house is your home’s first impression to a buyer. Make sure bushes are trimmed, gardens well maintained and planted, front steps in good shape, and the front door either painted or new, depending on its’ condition.
3) Work on the bathrooms. Caulk the tubs. Grout the tile. Update light, sink and tub fixtures. It’s not a rehabbed bathroom, but updates can often help freshen it up.
4) Refresh the kitchen. Same goes for the kitchen. Switch out the cabinet knobs to something more modern. Are the bcabinets painted? Consider a new coat! How is the paint on the walls and the ceiling? Old? Dingy? Spattered food? Paint! Consider updating the kitchen faucet and fixtures. How are the floors? Are they tile? How is the grout? Could it be cleaned/fixed/redone? Consider doing so!
5) CLEAN. And I mean — CLEAN. Clear out your personal items. Clean out those closets. Your goal is to move anyway, right? You’ll have to pack up these items to move! ALSO, Scrub each room from top to bottom. Even the window tracks (those things get gross!) Clean those windows inside & out. You want them to sparkle!
You know how you watch those HGTV shows? Every judge those homes? Well, consider that many homebuyers watch those shows, too. And they are going to be judging YOUR home the way those buyers judge those homes!
Selling your home can be a very difficult and invasive process. It isn’t easy. It can also be very emotional, especially if you have lived there for a long time, or have some great memories of what happened in the home.
The biggest thing to remember is that once you have decided to sell your home, you have decided that the end goal is for it NOT to be your home anymore. Your goal is to have it to be someone else’s home — and usually soon. So though it is difficult to remove personal items, and remove yourself from the home, it is a needed step, in order to get you to your end goal.
For more information on how to sell your Towson home, please contact me. I would love to be of assistance in helping you move!
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