Home trends come and go, and each year there are trends that tend to be more popular than others.
In 2020, many people stayed home more due to COVID-19. The additional time at home has created new needs and wants in homes that may not have been present before.
Thank you to Realtor Magazine for their compilation. Here are a some of the trends I am hearing about in the Baltimore real estate market:
- Outdoor Heaters. With socialization being safer outside where fresh airflow is prevalent, many people made their backyards as much as an oasis as they could. Adding a fire pit or heater could extend time outside as we entered the colder months.
- Prefabricated Sheds that can be used as additional living space like office space or playspace. With many businesses having employees working from home and/or children distance learning, people found that they needed extra space – and this could provide that extra space.
- Rooms Ready for Videoconferencing. This is more to be able to see on a bigger screen than a computer or tablet. Setting up a large screen with a seat and a good background can make for a good videoconferencing space.
- Warmer Colors. Paint choices have moved away from the popular cool greys of the past few years to warmer colors, like whites with beige or pink bases or bright, bold accents.
- Suburbs. Going along with being home more, some people have decided that moving from a small city dwelling to a suburb with potentially more indoor space, more outdoor space, and more locations to enjoy the outdoors.
- Redesigned HVAC. In Baltimore, some buildings are redoing their HVAC units to bring in more fresh air, better filtration, and hopefully healthier indoor environments for the future.
Are there trends you are looking for in a new Baltimore home in 2021?
Are you considering moving into a new Towson home in 2021?
Please contact me! I would love to be of assistance!
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