Honfest 2018 is June 9-10!
This year marks the 25th Annual HonFest!
Honfest’s hours are: Saturday 11am-8pm, with the Dancin’ in the Streets Block Party from 8-10pm. Sunday is from 12-6pm.
Parking will be available for $8 at the garage at 3700 Keswick Avenue, thanks to Johns Hopkins University, who owns the lot.
So, what is Honfest?
Honfest is a fun event with live music, vendors, food, beer, shopping and activities. There are three stages with live entertainment going on throughout both days. There is a “Glamour Lounge where people get “hon’d up” with colorful eye shadow and beehive hairdos. There are contests for “Best Hon,” “L’il Miss Hon,” trivia, talent shows, and a whole lot of interesting adventures. (Visit their website for more details.)
Come to Hampden June 9 & 10 for fun, music, local restaurants, stores, artists, and more!
Photo courtesy of Sensual Shadows Photography via Flickr CC
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