Inexpensive ways to make your house look great comes from a post on Bob Vila.
They used the phrase “cheapest ways” to make it look brand new, but I thought the words “brand-new” may have been reaching, and that inexpensive worked too. Here are some details from the Bob Vila post – with my notes and changes.
- Paint the front door. f you are in an HOA or have covenants, you may need permission first – and may have color requirements.
- Replace the numbers on the house. You could just change the numbers, or you could put up a block with numbers – make sure you are allowed to make this change – if you are in an HOA or have covenants, check to make sure you can make this change!
- Bleach the grout in the bathroom. (Note, only bleach it if it is white grout.) There are also grout cleaners you can try.
- Clear out an overgrown garden. Get rid of the weeds and overgrown plants.
- Install window boxes. Again, this is another one that if you live in an area with an HOA or covenants, this may not be possible – or you may have to ask for permission before doing any exterior changes, but if you are able to do it, they can change the look of the outside of your home.
- Fertilize the lawn. Bob Vila recommends doing this twice a year, and depending on where you live and the type of grass you have, when is best for you to do it. It will need water, so keep that in mind.
- Change outdated light fixtures. Sometimes just a change in a chandelier or wall lights can make a huge difference in how your home looks – and feels.
- Change cabinet knobs. Many kitchens have knobs on their kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Sometimes just changing those can change how your kitchen looks!
- Light up walkways. Install lights along a front walk – you can use solar power battery units in order not to need a plug.
- Switch out door knobs. It’s amazing how changing door handles can transform rooms and hallways.
- Paint! One room, two rooms – all of your rooms. Paint can change the entire feeling of a room and a home. Change things up!
- Deep clean upholstered chairs and couches. Make sure to read the tags on the furniture so you know whether you can use water or soap on them.
- Clean the scuff marks off walls. If you aren’t able or don’t want to paint, sometimes just cleaning the scuff marks from the walls can make a big difference!
- Clean the baseboards. This can brighten a room pretty quickly!
- Shine stainless appliances. There are cleaning supplies just for this – removing finger prints and smudges – sparkling stainless really brightens up a home! If you don’t have stainless, you can clean your appliances to make them sparkle too!
These are great tips for either just sprucing up your home or getting it ready for sale.
If you are considering selling a home in Timonium, Towson, or Greater Baltimore area, please call me! I would love to help!
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