Maintenance projects to do in winter comes from a post from Forbes about this topic.

Thank you to Forbes for the post!

Many people work on house projects in the spring and summer. The issue? Well, if you need a contractor, they tend to be busier during that time period. When are they slower? Usually in the winter!

So, what to consider?

First, try to assess the outdoor items when there isn’t snow on the roof or deck. Check the roof for missing shingles, as that can create a situation for water penetration down the road. Also check your deck for soft spots, missing screws or nails, or those sticking up.

Check your gutters while you are outside. Make sure they are connected properly, and not pulling away from the house. Remove any leaves that may be sitting in the gutter.

Check the trees in the yard to see if they appear to be healthy, or if there are damaged limbs, and have those removed.

Check your grass, and be ready to fertilize in the spring.

Check your basement. Is there moisture? If so, see where it is entering. Grade outside if necessary, and make sure water runoff is directed away from your home (instead of going down – the path of least resistance.)

Have your A/C checked before it gets hot outside. This way it will hopefully be functioning correctly when you need it!

Schedule remodeling jobs. As I mentioned above, winter tends to be slower for many contractors. You may be able to get a job done more quickly in the winter than during the spring and summer months!

Check my other post on additional winter home maintenance tips.

For more tips on getting your home ready to sell, please contact me. I’d love to help you sell your Timonium home!