
Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Improvement Association Dumpster and Shredding Day 2019

April 23rd, 2019

Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Improvement Association dumpster and shredding day event is April 27, 2019 from 8:30-noon at Riderwood Elementary School at 1711 Landrake Road, Towson, MD 21204. There will be dumpsters for bulk trash items to go to the landfill. NOT accepted: Flammable and hazardous materials/liquids - like paint, pesticides. Tires or appliances. Any items [...]

Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Improvement Association 2010 Annual Meeting

September 22nd, 2010

The Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Improvement Association has its' annual meeting and election of the Board of Directors on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 7 pm at the new West Towson Elementary School. Tours of the new West Towson Elementary School will be given to members prior to the meeting at 6:30 pm. Also, principal Susan Hershfeld [...]

Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Community Plan

September 5th, 2010

The Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Community Plan for 2010 is underway, and now the committee is asking for feedback on the proposed plan. The Community Plan input meeting is to be held September 13, 2010 at 7 pm at Blakehurst Retirement Community in Towson, 1055 West Joppa Road. This Ruxton area community plan is due to [...]

West Towson Elementary School Fall Registration

August 7th, 2010

It's time to register your child if you have been redistricted to the West Towson Elementary School. The Baltimore County Public Schools site has finally been updated so it is correct for redistricting! To make sure you need to register at West Towson, use the School Boundaries finder and enter your address. If you did [...]

Ruxton Riderwood Lake Roland Community Plan Meeting

July 11th, 2010

The Ruxton Riderwood Lake Roland community is having an input and community plan meeting on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. The meeting will be held at 7:30 pm at Blakehurst Retirement Community. Blakehurst is located at 1055 West Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21204. From the RRLAIA Neighborhood News: The Plan identifies areas in need of improvement [...]

Architectural Walking Tour of Sheppard Pratt in Towson

July 5th, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 9:30 am, there will be an architectural walking tour of Sheppard Pratt in Towson. Carol Allen, the President of Historic Towson, Inc. will lead the tour around the historic property. Historic Towson, Inc. is a non-profit organization that is "dedicated to preserving the architectural heritage of the community. It works [...]

East Ruxton and West Towson Neighborhood Walk April 14

April 7th, 2010

The Ruxton-Riderwood-Lake Roland Area Improvement Association announced the East Ruxton and West Towson Neighborhood walk on Wednesday April 14, 2010 from 9:30-11 am. Participants will meet at the Baltimore County Board of Education located at 6901 North Charles Street, Towson, MD 21204. The entrance and parking lot is off Greenwood Road, which runs from West [...]

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