If you drive by the area of Thornton Road and West Joppa Rd, you most likely have noticed (or been stuck in traffic) because of the Thornton Road Construction in Towson.
Searching the Baltimore County Government site, I wasn’t able to come up with much information, “Thornton Road Construction” sends me to this page, where I see information about the Thornton Mill Bridge overpass by Western Run which is in Cockeysville.
I also found an old article from the Towson Times by Lori Ingraham from 2003, when that major construction on West Joppa bridge crossing over 695 was happening. In the article, she states:
The project will also provide a continuous sidewalk on Thornton Road, and landscaped stormwater management facilities in the area. And the bridges will be more “aesthetically pleasing,” according to SHA.
I do not believe that happened yet, so I wonder if this is the continuation/end of this project. New sidewalks have been installed across the street from the Royal Farm. I also found from the Ruxton Riderwood Lake Roland Area Improvement Association information about a possible bike path (action 5.2a) on Thornton Road from Timonium Rd to Joppa Rd.
It has been causing delays as people come south on Thornton to go to West Joppa Rd, as many times there are sign people and one lane open at a time. If I get more information, I will share this with you!
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