The Charles Village Festival 2022 will be held October 1 & 2 at the Southwest corner of Wyman Park Dell. – *Update – music stage has apparently been canceled, but as of 9/30, the rest of the festival is scheduled to go on. See the website for more details.
The new location is due to the construction on Charles St, so this is about a block away from the past festival location. Wyman Park Dell is at the corner of 29th and North Charles Streets.
What is the Charles Village Festival? A FREE festival with live music, food vendors, wine & beer, crafters, as well as kids games, a pet parade and more. More info on their site!
For a fee, there is the 40th Garden Walk, which includes gardens South of 29th Street to 20th Street, and between Howard Street and Guilford Avenue. The gardens will be open for viewing 12 – 4pm Sunday October 2nd. The cost for the map and wrist band is $15.
The FREE festival is Saturday, October 1 from 11am-8pm, and Sunday October 2 from 11am-6pm.
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