MOM’s (Mom’s Organic Market) will be opening its’ Timonium store soon.
MOM’s is an organic and natural foods market known for low prices on these typically high priced foods.
The store is going to be in Yorkridge Shopping Center, and the 11,000 sq ft. Yorkridge currently showcases a Kohl’s, Old Navy, Borders, Michael’s Craft Store and others.
One thing that I find very cool is that it will be 100% wind powered, have recycling bins for batteries (finally, a place to recycle them safely!), and be energy efficient.
Currently, Timonium has The Natural, which is a small organic store. MOM’s will be much larger, and will include things like breads from local bakeries, and hormone free locally raised meats, plus gluten free and other special sections.
I do love my grocery stores, as many noted with my posts about the Towson Safeway, and I am particularly excited about this one, because it is right behind my Timonium real estate office, and I can offer healthy, local food more easily to my son.
This is not a paid endorsement, nor an ad for the store. I am just excited about its’ opening soon, and wanted to share my excitement with others!
[…] Mom’s Organic Market has been a great addition to the shopping center, and is in the same vicinity as the new Towson Hot Bagels. […]