Beginning July 1, 2009, expect major delays on 695 and 95 as confused motorists attempt to navigate the new location for the ramp to 95 South near White Marsh. Motorists will be exiting 695 from the RIGHT instead of the left, as they had been doing, and entering 95 South on the right as well. Here is the link to the press release from the Maryland Transportation Authority.

Add onto that a few short miles down 95 South, where on July 12, 2009, there will be a major switch in traffic pattern at the 895/95 split in Baltimore. Currently, motorists remain to the left to get on to 895, and merge to the right to remain on 95. As of July 12, this will switch COMPLETELY around, making motorists merge to the left to remain on 95 and to the right to get on 895. Here is a graphical description of the change.

This means motorists who just navigated the merge onto 95 from 695 from the right now have to merge across traffic to the left lanes to remain on 95 South.

What does this mean for the people who live nearby? Have their house values dropped due to this? With the noise, dirt, dust, and road closures forcing motorists onto Route 1 or Philadelphia Rd in White Marsh and Rosedale, or Eastern Avenue near Canton in Baltimore how has this effected their values?

So far, running statistics, the market has not dropped in those areas. A few are actually better over last year. Was the year ago value drop due to early construction & in anticipation of what was to come? Possibly.

I am pleased to see that house values in White Marsh, Canton, Rosedale and the other areas surrounding this construction have not been hit hard. I will keep an eye on the statistics to keep updates coming.