Property taxes in Baltimore County and Baltimore City rise in 2019.
Well, and every other county in Maryland.
This is apparently the first year since 2008 where every single Maryland county is seeing property tax increases.
Assessments on Maryland properties are averaging a 9.1% increase on average. Baltimore City residents are seeing a 5.9% increase, while Baltimore County homeowners are seeing a 10.1% increase, according to an article in the Baltimore Sun.
For Baltimore City and County, this is the sixth year in a row with property tax increases.
The assessments will be phased in over the next three years.
One program that can help with your primary property‘s tax is the Homestead Tax Credit. I have written about the Homestead Tax Credit in the past, and would be happy to help direct you if you need help in applying for the credit.
Contact me for more information about your Baltimore house value. I am happy to help.
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