This Month in Real Estate May 2014 is out!
Home sales activity remained at a pace of 4.6 million, same as last month, as seen in This Month in Real Estate April 2014.
The median home price jumped from $189,000 up to $198,000!
The average interest rate rose very slightly to 4.33% from 4.32% last month.
The Top Story is about how staging a home can add more value when putting a house on the market.
Jay Papasan spoke about how spending $250 on staging a $200,000 house got the seller an average of 2% higher than those comparable homes without staging.
Your local real estate agent can recommend someone to help stage your home. Please note, though, that prices may vary, and depending on the recommendations of the stager, furniture rental or additional purchases may be requested in order to get that bump in sales price.
Each home in different in its’ needs!
Pleaes contact me for more information about selling a house in Towson. I am here to help!
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