On December 10, 2009, I announced the new Baltimore County Single Stream Recycling being implemented on February 1, 2010.

Well, here we are in late January, and it is coming very soon!

Here are the details — it’s SO easy — now everyone in Baltimore County can recycle without having to think too much about it!

Baltimore County Single Stream Recycling

From the Baltimore County Recycling Site: http://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/publicworks/recycling/singlestream/curbsideinformation.html

What’s new & easy?

  • It all goes into the same container! LIDS, CAPS, LABELS & RINGS are accepted now. No throwing the cap of the milk jug or soda bottle away anymore.
  • Juice cartons, aluminium pans, AEROSOL cans, frozen food boxes — ALL NOW ACCEPTED!

The changes you need to make:

  • NO MORE PLASTIC BAGS. They will not be accepting plastics/glass/etc in grocery bags anymore. (So now is the time to start using those reusable bags you may have for your groceries!)
  • You can put your recyclables in small cardboard boxes, in 34 gallon or less recycling containers, or 34 gallon or less trash containers marked with an “X” or “RECYCLE”.

Click here for the Baltimore County Single Stream Recycling website for all of the details.

I am thrilled that Baltimore County is implementing this new recycling system as the ease should help more residents to be involved in the program! Join in!