Buy a house in Baltimore

Southwest Airlines Showcased Baltimore

December 11th, 2018

Southwest Airlines showcased Baltimore in a multi-page article called "The City You're Missing - Baltimore." Writing of the unique work spaces, affordable housing, and lively bar scene that Baltimore has, the author, Jay Heinrichs, states that Baltimore may be the most underrated city in America. Twenty-two pages highlight the great parts of Baltimore. The cleanliness, [...]

12 Things You Should Realize About Real Estate

August 24th, 2016

12 Things You Should Realize about Real Estate comes as an inspiration from a post on a website called "The Lighter Side of Real Estate" called 12 things you should know about real estate. Here are the 12 things from the "Lighter Side of Real Estate" website, and here is my take on each one: A [...]

Salary Needed to Buy Median Priced Home in Baltimore

May 22nd, 2014

What salary is needed to buy a median priced home in Baltimore? According to, which is a website about mortgages, it would take a salary of $53,078.51 to buy a home at the median home price for Baltimore. Now, this doesn't mean you have to make that much in order to buy a house in Baltimore. [...]

Fifteen Reasons Why Maryland Rocks

March 28th, 2014

Fifteen Reasons Why Maryland Rocks comes from a post that has floated around facebook recently, titled, "15 Reasons Why Maryland is Amazing." The author grew up in Maryland, and has continued to live here into adulthood. She is a photographer, so her photos are both inviting and lovely. Her love for Baltimore really shines through. [...]

When is the Best Time To Buy a House in Baltimore?

March 24th, 2014

When is the best time to buy a house in Baltimore? Well, that would be when you are ready! Seriously, though, Lifehacker posted an answer to a question about the best time to buy or rent. The question had been posed by someone who had heard that buying was the best in the Spring but [...]

Baltimore Named 10th Most Walkable City

November 8th, 2013

Baltimore was named the 10th most walkable city by Walk Score. This is the first time Baltimore has reached the top 10. It rose from 14th! The walkability score is at 66.2, which Walk Score says they come up with using a patented technology. From their site: "For each address, Walk Score analyzes hundreds of [...]

Is This the Cheapest Time to Buy a Home?

May 9th, 2012

With all of the discussions about the low interest rates coupled with the low house prices, a question keeps popping up, "Is this the best time to buy a home?" The answer to the above question depends on your personal situation, but a better question that may be answerable is, "Is this the CHEAPEST time [...]

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