
Zillow to Buy Trulia

July 29th, 2014

Zillow is in an agreement to buy Trulia. Zillow is paying $3.5 Billion dollars to buy Trulia. As of right now, both brands will continue to exist, both websites, and their respective apps will remain in working order. The move will reduce costs to both brands, but will both continue to sell advertising to agents. There may [...]

Tips Buyers Would Give Sellers If They Could

May 2nd, 2013

Tips buyers would give sellers if they could came from a post in late February on a website called Trulia. I had it in my queue to follow up with, because I felt like the tips were good ones for sellers, even if I take a different depiction or approach to them, and don't necessarily [...]

It is More Affordable to Buy Than Rent in Baltimore Right Now

March 29th, 2012

According to a new report run by Trulia, it is more affordable to buy than rent in Baltimore right now! Rentals are at over 92% capacity, per the United States Census Bureau, and rates are high. Meanwhile, the percentage of home price decline from the peak of value is 20.4%, per the Federal [...]

Baltimore Home Sellers Named One of Most Stubborn

April 12th, 2011 recently had an article discussing the large price drops in most cities due to the bubble burst of the real estate market. In the article, Nin-Hai Tseng used a report to discuss house pricing trends across the US: f you're a buyer or seller, here's what to expect this spring: Detroit, with an [...]

Trulia iPhone App Review from Realtor Perspective

May 10th, 2010

This is the second posting in my series on iPhone apps for real estate searches. The Trulia iPhone app is one that at first I wasn't impressed with, but the more I used it, the more I liked it, and it became my favorite real estate search tool app. The Trulia app only brings up [...]

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